School Governors At St Wulstan's
St Wulstan's has an active and enthusiastic governing body, which support the school in delivering the best education for its children. The Governing body is divided into sub-committees which allow the members to gather a greater depth of understanding in specific areas. They are:
- Standards and Provision - How well the children are doing and what is being done to improve outcomes for everyone.
- Finance and Resources - How the school is using its budget to give the children the very best education.
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference CtKCC LGB Revised Summer 2023
Terms of Reference CtKCC LGB F&R Committee Summer 2023
Terms of Reference CtKCC LGB S&P Committee Summer 2023
All governors have different roles within the governing body and have special areas that they monitor through talking to school leaders, teachers and children. This if often done through coming into school and seeing what happens every day.
Chair of Governors: Mrs Anna Lindop (
Vice Chair: Mrs Sharon Brammeld
Chair of committees: Mrs Karlene Harwood (Finance and Resources) and Mrs Anna Lindop (Standards and Provision)
Foundation Governors:
Finance and Resources:
Mrs S Brammeld (RE, Catholic Life, Collective Worship and Wider Curriculum)
Mrs K Harwood (HR and Compliance)
Standards and Provisions:
Mr G Murray (Standards and English and Maths and Curriculum Coherence)
Mrs A Lindop (Safeguarding/ Pupil Premium and other vulnerable groups)
Mrs K Templeton
Parent Governors:
Standards and Provisions:
Mrs H Birks
Mrs L Smith
Staff Governors:
Standards and Provisions:
Mrs A Walker
Also in attendance: Mrs E Walker (Deputy Headteacher)
Clerk to the Governors: Carole Stone (Entrust Clerking Services)
The designated governor for safeguarding is: Mrs Anna Lindop
Governors reconstituted on becoming academy on April 1st, 2017. The governors are committed to ensuring that the school is led and managed well. Governors have taken part in a wealth of training opportunities to ensure that their role is carried out effectively.
Please see here to take you to St Wulstan's page on the school's Financial Benchmarking Service.