St Wulstan's Catholic Primary School

We come to school to Love, Learn and Share in the Light of Jesus

Church Lane, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. ST5 0EF

01782 973722

Safeguarding in school


All staff and visitors alike have a responsibility for safeguarding our pupils. To ensure this we ask the following:

  • Switch off you mobile phone/device and store it in your bag.
  • In the event you do need to use your mobile phone or camera enabled device, please do so in an area that is not accessed by the children, this includes corridors. Such places could be in one of the offices or in the staff room.
  • Do not take pictures, videos or sound recordings of any pupils unless you have sought permission from the school.
  • If you are working with a child, please ensure the class teacher is aware of this, where you are working and approximately how long for.
  • If you are working with a child, please do so in a space that is open, or have an open door or visible by others through a window.
  • If you have any concern about a child please pass this on to the child’s class teacher, who will then follow our safeguarding procedures. If they are not available, please speak with one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers – Mr Ben Grove, Mrs Emma Walker, Mrs Gill Miles Miss Nicola Shone, Mrs Hanna Wood.
  • If you have a concern about another adult in school, please ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr B Grove).
  • Always share concerns with school staff, no matter how small they may appear, and don’t keep them to yourself.
  • If a child says something to you that you think could be a safeguarding concern, act as above, and if possible write down what was said immediately. Listen to the child, do not question them or promise them that it will remain confidential between the two of you.


All volunteers are required to meet with a member of SLT in order to complete a volunteer request application form. Where a volunteer can be accommodated, DBS checks are obtained and a meeting is held where policies including the Volunteer policy, Code of Conduct, Safeguarding policy, Staff Code of Conduct and KCSIE are shared and a signature is obtained to acknowledge that they have been read. 

Please see our policies page for all current policies relating to safeguarding. 


In school we use active filtering and monitoring systems to ensure that our children are safe when online.

We use Sophos live protection which is operated by Virtuetech and enables careful control and blocking of access to inappropriate web content

We use Senso to monitor live usage, with all screen and text being entered being actively reported to the DSL

Our IT systems are managed and supported by StaffsTech.

All data storage is compliant with GDPR requirements and cloud storage is hosted within the EU area.