St Wulstan's Catholic Primary School

We come to school to Love, Learn and Share in the Light of Jesus

Church Lane, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire. ST5 0EF

01782 973722

Whole School Fundraising Projects


Each term, we focus on one whole school charity.

Below are the details of our whole school charity plan for 23/24 and 24/25:


Autumn Term 2023 and Spring Term 1 2024: Dougie Mac. 

Whole School Events:

September: Coffee Morning

November: Toy Donation Day

December: Penny Race and Star Hunt

January: Final Fundraising Celebrations

Autumn 2024: Staff Sky Dive

Spring 2 2024 and Summer Term 2024: CAFOD

Whole School Events:

Lent: Father Hudson Boxes

April: Mr Eagles Climbs Everest!

May: Danceathon 

Autumn Term 2024: Midlands Air Ambulance Charity

Whole School Events:

Launch Assembly

CPR Sessions for UKS2

A visit from the charity mascot

Chance to sit in and learn about a real decommissioned helicopter pod. 

Whole school Coffee Morning

December Penny Race

Whole School Donation Points

Autumn 2024: Midlands Air Ambulance

In September, we launched our whole school charity mission with 2 days of activities, including CPR sessions, assemblies, visits from MAAC the mascot and visits to the helicopter pod! Thanks to Pip and all of the other staff from the charity who spent the 2 days with us. 

Spring 2 and Summer 2024: CAFOD

During the Spring 2 and Summer term, we have been supporting CAFOD. So far, we have taken part in:

World Book Day, with proceeds going towards the charity. 

One of our parents, Mr Eagles, has climbed Everest, and as a school community we have raised over £1000 in support!

We have all been filling up our Father Hudson Boxes.

We held a whole school danceathon in May, which raised a staggering £3502!

Autumn  2023 and Spring 1 2024: Dougie Mac

During the whole of the Autumn Term and Spring 1, we have been supporting Dougie Mac as a whole school. During the term, we have taken part in:

September: Whole school coffee morning. 

October: Dougie Mac Vocations Talks

November: Toy Donation Day

December: Penny Race and Star Hunt

Some children have also raised money from home, taking part in sponsored events and bake sales. We have loved our term of fundraising, and  celebrated all that we have done in a whole school assembly! IN TOTAL, WE RAISED £2546.84! Well done to our whole school community.